A thought-provoking thriller from 2005, The Dark Hours follows a doctor named Samantha as she visits her husband David and sister Melody at an isolated cabin where David is working on a book. One of Samantha’s patients (a psychotic rapist named Harlan) shows up with an accomplice (Adrian) and takes the three “good guys” hostage. Harlan forces his captives to play some nerve-rattling games. Samantha manages to kill Adrian before Harlan retakes control of the situation. A twist ending forces the viewer to rethink and reframe all of the scenes that have come before.
The Dark Hours boasts marvelous nuanced performances and a tense plot that keeps one hooked to the screen wondering what will happen next. I’m still not sure I understand what “really” happens in the story, but the journey to the end is a thrilling ride well-worth taking. I can’t say more about that twist ending without spoiling key narrative details, but the finale practically demands a second viewing of the whole film. I’ll check this one out again.
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