A 2007 film with lead characters known only as Girl and Guy, Wind Chill is a unique ghost story that takes place almost entirely in and around a car that has crashed into a snowdrift off of an isolated road. Two college students en route to Delaware for winter break survive their initial car accident only to gradually discover that spirits haunt this stretch of road where decades earlier a rogue cop killed assorted motorists. The girl and guy strive to survive until morning in the hope that someone will happen upon them before the cold (or worse) kills them.
The filmmakers behind Wind Chill (screenwriters Joe Gangemi & Steven Katz and director Gregory Jacobs) have crafted a tale that kept me glued to the screen eager to find out exactly what was going on and what would happen next. This project is an excellent study in how to maintain the interest of one’s audience even with long stretches of scenes with just two characters in a confined location. The final five minutes are a wee bit confusing, but the journey to the end is quite interesting and full of spooky moments. If you’re in search of a high-quality singular ghost story, check out Wind Chill.
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